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  • Lose the Hangover Bootcamp is a 4-week interactive experience to jumpstart and transform your relationship with alcohol without having to go cold turkey and saying bye to the booze. 


    Do you currently:

    • Wake up with the anxiety, guilt, or shame of what may have gone down the night before?
    • Waste some (or all) of the day-after nursing your hangover?
    • Struggle with moderation and find it too easy to give-in once you've started?
    • Loathe giving in to all of those extra calories your "drunk munchies" are begging you for?
    • Hate the headaches, brain-fog and nausea from drinking too much?


    Instead, how would it feel to:

    • Look + feel your best - DAILY (even the morning after!) 
    • You may even lose weight, too!
    • Enjoy better, more restful sleep
    • Be in control and never doubt your decision making
    • Rock that extra energy and time you get being hangover-free
    • Be present with your family & friends
    • Enjoy your favorite glass of wine or cocktail WITHOUT GUILT!


    That's exactly what the Lose the Hangover Bootcamp allows you to do!

    When you start, you'll get:

    • Full Access which includes:
      • Week 1 - Moderation Kick-Start 
        • Find your baseline 
      • Week 2 - Determine Your Bottleneck 
        • Reset & Rewire Your Brain + Discover your Beliefs around alcohol
      • Week 3 - Game-Changing Habit Blaster
        • Understand #1 and start to change your habits, forever
      • Week 4 - Happy Hour Haven
        • Tools + Tricks for long-term success


    • Bonus #1:  This Bootcamp comes with your own members-only platform app so you can stay on track and connect anytime and anywhere! This offers convenience so you can go at your own pace, plus it provides all the privacy you could ask for!


    • Bonus #2: Digital Drink Tracker to Maximize Results 


    • Bonus #3:  Starting Out Assessment


    • Bonus #4: Digital Workbook download for those who prefer physically writing and journaling


    • Bonus #5:  A Completion Survey to showcase all improvements made throughout your journey


    • Bonus #6: Discount Codes for B*Free (booze-free) options so you can find new ways to set yourself up for success while saving money, too!


    Your investment of only $27 can completely transform your relationship with alcohol, for good!


     (Most participants report this easily pays for itself simply by how much is saved through moderation!)


    Let's do this! You deserve it. You are worth it.

    Cheers to YOU!


    ShameOver Success Story:


    "Understanding how I use alcohol when I’m not paying attention and how it can be harmful to my overall productivity and happiness has been a key takeaway from participating in ShameOver."
    - Danielle

    Lose the Hangover Bootcamp

      *Fine Print: I understand that ShameOver isn't a substitute for medical advice. I will not stop drinking suddenly if I think I am physically dependent on alcohol. If I experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms I will seek medical help. 
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