Holiday weekends typically call for a lot of socialization, food, and of course alcohol. Here are some tips on how you can stay safe this 4th of July while still having fun and celebrating!
Plan - NEVER underestimate the importance of a plan. You likely have a decent idea of what your weekend will look like, so come up with a plan and try your best to stick with it. Yes, things will come up and plans will change and that's ok! Adapt. But once you have an idea in your mind of what your drinking will look like, it'll help you be more mindful throughout the day and try your best to stick to your game plan.
Alternate (Hydration is key) - For every alcoholic drink you consume, make sure you alternate with 1 (or 2) non-alcoholic beverages. #1 recommendation is water - hydration is key! - and it'll help you feel better without the sugar crashes/hangover from too much mixing. If you don't like water on its own, jazz it up! Throw in fruit, cucumbers + mint, limes, whatever your heart desires. (Mixed berries are a great add plus they're super festive for this 4th of July holiday!) My personal fav is soda water with cucumber + mint as the bubbles really do increase my enjoyment and help me feel like I'm adulting, too. Making sure you eat is imperative, too!
Add - Make it a spritzer by adding club soda! Sure, this won't work for every drink, but if you are having wine - add club soda. It'll cut the cals and alcohol intake nearly in half, make your wine last way longer, and help you stay more hydrated throughout, too! If you're a hard alcohol drinker, double up by making it a single tall (less booze, but more so it'll take you longer to drink.) Note: keep the booze at singles no matter what!
B*Free - If you haven't jumped on the B*Free train yet...you are missing out! There are TONS of great booze-free/non-alcoholic/alcohol-free options out there for ALL drinker's palettes. You can find some of my personal favs here, but most larger liquor stores now carry great options in all varieties. Please note: just like alcohol was originally, some of these may be an acquired taste...if you don't like something - try something else! I have no doubt though that you're bound to find something you like! Into beer? Try Athletic Brewing (their IPA is my fav!) Fre has a great Sparkling Rose that I enjoy, Gruvi's Sparkling Rose makes me smile (and their prosecco is perfect - especially for mimosas, and Giesen's Sauv Blan has me choosing it over regular wine. If you're into the harder stuff - Dhos has a nice B*Free Gin, and I also really enjoy Spiritless Kentucky 74 as a sipper, too! All of these options are typically available mainstream therefore you could pick them up today so you're ready for your weekend! Happy Exploring!
Sip'n'Savor - Take your time and actually sip and savor whatever you're consuming this weekend. From food to booze, there's a LOT to digest, so try and remember to be mindful and really taste and enjoy it! I've had some clients find great success in seeing how long they can make each drink last! Whatever works for you just take your time and enjoy the moment.
Know your number - More mindfulness here (it's a theme for a reason), but keep track of how many drinks you've had so you are aware and it doesn't all of a sudden knock you on your booty. Also, know your "happy" number. Most of us have a certain number of drinks that if we stay at or under we remain happy, in control, and hangover-free! Figure out what this number is for you and stick to it/under it.
Timing - View long, holiday weekends as a marathon, not a sprint. If you start too early or go too hard, it'll only make you feel like crap the rest of the weekend. Which, as we all know, means for most of us - drinking earlier the next day (hair of the dog) or eating poorly to try and make ourselves feel better. Let's be real - this only makes us feel worse especially when you take into account the shame and guilt we add on top of it all. Pace yourself. Starting later AND ending earlier can be really helpful. Show up to a party after many people are already there - they've been drinking so won't be paying as much attention to what you're consuming. You can have a drink in your hand, but no one needs to know what is in that cup :)
Commit - If you make a commitment you're more likely to see it through. Commit to yourself this weekend - sign a contract if it'll help - and see how much this small act really can help ensure your success.
Buddy Up - Find an accountability buddy who you can moderate with! For most, it's much easier when you have a support system in place, so find someone who will help you this weekend, not try to deter your success. When you're in it together it's easier to stay strong together!
Affirmations to feel good - Start the day off with affirmations. My personal fav way is through the free Insight Timer app! Even if you have just a few minutes, there's no better way to start off your day or to feel that extra boost of confidence walking into a party than taking some time for some feel-good affirmations. Plus, this will help you get in a good mind space so you can be more present and more mindful, too!
Lastly - remember - You don't have to drink to have fun! This is probably the number one thing I've realized throughout my moderation journey and working with my clients.
Booze has been a part of our life for so long that we feel actual FOMO and insecurity if we aren't drinking. If you think about it - Alcohol is basically the only drug you have to defend yourself for not doing. (OK - this is pretty messed up and definitely needs to change but that's a different conversation for a different time.)
Understand that every time you get through a social gathering, work event, stressful night, or celebration WITHOUT having to drink, it'll make the next time that much easier. I promise! PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! You can always offer to be the DD, too. Just know that you do not need liquid courage to fit in or be fun or flirty.
It just takes practice to get to that understanding and appreciation of y-o-u. And once you have that confidence, you can truly be unstoppable!
If you are interested in cutting back on your drinking, check out the Lose the Hangover Bootcamp! and the Support Squad + Bootcamp Bootcamp only is great if you want to go at it alone, but the Support Squad + is ideal for anyone who wants that extra support and community. Increase your success plus have fun doing so with an amazing group of like-minded women! This truly is #winning!
(PS - save 25% with code FIREWORKS now through July 4th 11:59 pm!)
From my family to yours, have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!
